The remains of the Cistercian abbey at Margam, founded around 1147 and dissolved in 1536, are thought to have occupied the site of an earlier monastic site. The western part of the nave of the monastic church is preserved, though much altered (NPRN 302498). The traces of the remainder of the church are apparent and other remains include the roughly 19m diameter dodecahedrol Early English chapter house (NPRN 308863), with some ruins of the dorter and rerdorter to the south (NPRN 308859).
RCAHMW, February 2011
application/pdfGGAT - Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust ReportsGlamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Report No 2018/03 Project No P1935 "Margam Country Park Hydro Grid Connection, Neath Port Talbot Archaeological watching brief. A report for Acanthus Holden Architects" prepared by Johnny Crawford, March 2018.