Cyfeirnod MapSH95NE
Cyfeirnod GridSH9952056310
Awdurdod Unedol (Lleol)Denbighshire
Hen SirDenbighshire
CyfnodYr Oes Efydd
DisgrifiadNAR SH95NE16
A kerbed cairn, 5.0m in diameter & 0.6m high: excavation, 1973-4, showed that the kerbing originally comprised 11-12 recumbent boulders, with an outlier on the N, of which eight remained in situ, the cairn of sil & stones had been constructed within & about this kerb; a hearth, with an attendant area of burning, which produced a radio-carbon date centred on 1120BC, appeared to be contemporary with, or later than the cairn: a circle of nine postholes, c.5.0m in diameter, with a central fire-pit, underlay the cairn.
(source: Lynch 1993 (Exc. Brenig Valley), 96-99)
J.Wiles 21.07.04