DisgrifiadNAR SH95NE3
A centrally disturbed circular barrow, 24m in diameter & 1.8m high, set on ground rising to the W: excavation, 1973, showed that the barrow consisted of a clay-capped turf mound, possibly originally delimited by a 20m diameter palisade trench; apparently incorporated in the body of the mound were four concentric stake-circles, 5.0-15m in diameter, showing traces of hurdling; a central, burnt rectangular structure, 1.25m by 1.1m, represented by stakeholes & carbonised planks, produced radio-carbon dates centring on 1470BC & 1380BC: sherds of a Collared urn & fragments of cremated bone were recovered from the central disturbance.
(source: Lynch 1993 (Exc. Brenig Valley), 58-65)
J.Wiles 21.07.04