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LevelDescriptionArchiveDateArchive Number
LevelBatchDescriptionDigital copies of a set of black and white negatives relating to an Archaeological Evaluation of land at Langton Farm, Scleddau, commissioned by CgMS. Produced by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd., March 2015.ArchiveHAP - Headland Archaeology Projects ArchiveDateArchive Number6435999
LevelBatchDescriptionFile containg hard-copy records comprising site report, photographic registers, sample register, sample sorting sheet, drawing register, trench/context recording sheets, drawing sheet. b/w negatives( with digitised copies) and colour slides. All relating to an Archaeological Evaluation of land at Langton Farm, Scleddau, commissioned by CgMS. Produced by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd., March 2015.ArchiveHAP - Headland Archaeology Projects ArchiveDateArchive Number6435998