LevelGroupDescriptionA collection of numerous photographic albums and files, and loose photographs and slides, relating to various sites in Wales, England, and abroad. The group also includes some photographic negatives.ArchivePTA - Percy Thomas ArchiveDateArchive Number6368450
LevelGroupDescriptionThis group comprises (lever arch) files of coloured slides, relating to various sites in Wales, England, and abroad.ArchivePTA - Percy Thomas ArchiveDateArchive Number6364309
LevelGroupDescriptionThis group comprises (heavy-duty) photographic albums, entitled 'Photographs of Work by Percy Thomas', relating to various sites in Wales and England. None are dated.ArchivePTA - Percy Thomas ArchiveDateArchive Number6364308
LevelGroupDescriptionA collection of files, noted as 'Old PTP Job Photos'; and loose photographs.ArchivePTA - Percy Thomas ArchiveDateArchive Number6369337
LevelGroupDescriptionMaterial relating to company administrative matters: most notably promotional/ publicity booklets.ArchivePTA - Percy Thomas ArchiveDateArchive Number6369332