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LevelDescriptionArchiveDateArchive Number
LevelItemDescriptionSouth-west end to the nave from the south-west.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310031
LevelItemDescriptionNorth-east face of the central tower and north-west side of chancel from the north-east.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310069
LevelItemDescriptionSouth-east side of chancel and the central tower from the east.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310071
LevelItemDescriptionCentral tower, chancel (left) and transept (right) from the south.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310032
LevelItemDescriptionCentral tower, chancel (right) and south-east transept (left) from the south-east.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310070
LevelItemDescriptionSouth-eastern side of the cathedral from the south-east.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310029
LevelItemDescriptionCentral tower, nave (right) and transept (left) from the west.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310030
LevelItemDescriptionNorth-east window-ed end to the chancel from the north.ArchiveInvestigators' Digital PhotographyDateArchive Number6310068