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LevelSub-groupDescriptionClient data relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises scheduled monument consent letter; plan of proposed work and map highlighting the scheduled ancient monuments nearby.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528433
LevelSub-groupDescriptionPhotographs relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises forty-seven images.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528427
LevelSub-groupDescriptionAdministrative records relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises project management form and written scheme of investigation.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528351
LevelSub-groupDescriptionReport illustrations relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises cartographic documents showing site of proposed works and scheduled ancient monuments.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528426
LevelSub-groupDescriptionArchives summary relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises project archive metadata and archives deposition agreement.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528432
LevelSub-groupDescriptionSite data relating to CPAT project 2294: Archaeological watching brief of Montgomery 11kV overhead line rebuild, 2018. Comprises hand-written and hand-drawn watching brief forms.ArchiveCPATP - Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust Project ArchivesDateArchive Number6528428