Vianshill, St Lythans Down, Round Barrow

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Map ReferenceST17SW
Grid ReferenceST1071074010
Unitary (Local) AuthorityThe Vale of Glamorgan
Old CountyGlamorgan
PeriodBronze Age
1. A sub-circular mound, 18-21m in diameter and 0.3m high (1982), with an adjacent mound, c.10m in diameter and 0.1m high (1982), on the NW. Excavated 1965.
(source Os495card; ST17SW19)

J.Wiles 06.02.03

2. Two mounds, circular cairns of earth and stones, much ploughed down, with irreguar shallow pits at the centres indicating robbing.

Excavated by Savory in 1965. By 1982 the contiguous mounds were still visible, the larger 21m by 18m and 0.3m high, the smaller a low ground swelling 10m across and 0.1m high. But by 1989 they had been virtually ploughed out. The field in question was under the plough, the positions of the mounds marked by low ground swellings.

visited D.K.Leighton 31 August 1989

3. Now visible as a cropmark ring-ditch on 2013 Welsh Government vertical aerial photographs taken during July.

T. Driver, RCAHMW, 2014