DescriptionNAR SN55NW6
1. Hillfort, 05 ha, protected by two widely separated banks, without ditches, up to 2m high. Entrance of 'zig-zag' type. Inside, footings of a round house 6m diameter, surviving as low turf covered wall. TGD from CCH 1994, 253.
2. Aerial reconnaissance on 19th Dec 1999 (neg: 995128-41/3) shows internal hut to be tri-partite structure; possibly three overlapping rings representing different hut phases, or a central hut with two accreted 'D'-shaped enclosures. AP shows well-marked holloway, probably contemporary, approaching hillfort entrance. TGD
3. Concentric banked enclosure, generally ovoid, c.160m E-W by 110m overall, set about the E spur of an isolated summit plateau; within the circuit of the inner enclosure, 110m ENE-WSW by 60m, runs an apparent quarry ditch, 7.0-10m across, most clearly defined on the SE, where its inner edge appears to be kerbed in some fashion; a possible building platform noted by OS, c.10m in diameter, lies acrosss the line of this feature on the E of the NW-facing entrance; the outer circuit, c.20m distant on the W & NW, reduced to c.10m elsewhere, notably along the SE where the two circuits produce a distinctive terraced effect, can be seen in erosion features to have originally been a slab-faced wall; the outer entrance, set at a re-entrant on the NNW, is offset from the inner; APs show an additional bank/counterscarp on the NW, presumably contining about the SW, where the ramparts face level ground, this continues the line of the rampart E of the outerentrance; the E bank terminals of both entrances appear to have been expanded/enhanced.
Several later features are apparent: across the E part of the interior are the largely turf-covered remains of a stone/stone founded range, 20m NNW-SSE by 10-6.0m, best preserved on the S where it is apse-ended; a length of turf-covered wall connects the W terminals of the outer & inner entrances, this may be connected with a posssible shelter, c.5.0m in diameter, set above the outer entrance, in the lee of the inner rampart.
Elements of a field system can be observed on sloping ground NW of the Castell (Nprn401204).
J.Wiles 13.09.04
RCAHMW AP 96-CS 0662-4
RCAHMW AP965053/45-7