Castle Pill

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Map ReferenceSM90NW
Grid ReferenceSM9186006428
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPembrokeshire
Old CountyPembrokeshire
CommunityMilford Haven
Type Of SiteCASTLE
PeriodPost Medieval, Medieval
Castle Pill is a medieval castle that was possibly re-used as a Civil War strongpoint. The surviving remains include a sub-rectangular promontory enclosure, about 42m by 53m formed by scarped natural slopes to the west and south, and by a bank and ditch on the north and east. The surviving walling is 1.8m thick at the north-eastern angle. It is possible that the weak eastern bank represents a fallen wall, ending in a substantial stone building measuring 14.5m by 6.7m. This projects across the line of the ditch at the south-east angle, although this has been noted as a later feature.
A further enclosure was reported to the east in 1925, but this has not been confirmed on a field visit in 1965.
(source Os495card; SM90NW9)

J.Wiles, RCAHMW, 10 October 2005