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Archive Number
CBA/CADW Industrial Conference Typescripts, dating from 1986-1992. Various papers related to Welsh industrial heritage. (Some with illustrations). Access is by permission only. There is the possibility that these might be transferred to the CBA2 Archive at the National Library of Wales at some stage. There are seven folders in total. Folder III: A Revised Index for illustrations found in CBA Industrial Conference Publication for 1986. (2 copies): Contents page for CBA Industrail Conference 1986, reproduced in 1991, in Memroy of Douglas Hague, David Morgan Rees, and W. Gerwyn Thomas. Edited by Stepehn Briggs: Individual copies of paoers described in Folder II, and also a second copy of the collection of these papers as a whole, with contents page, exactly as found in Folder II. : Drawings from Stephen Briggs. (Were in separate envelope when found; have been re-housed in an archival one, duly labelled)
Collection Record
IRP - 1992 Industrial Review Papers
Council for British Archaeology
1986 to 1992