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NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN418811TitleCave near Carn FelinType Of SiteCAVECollections5Images0
NPRN292021TitleMynydd Llangatwg Swallow Hole FindspotType Of SiteFINDSPOTCollections5Images0
NPRN403799TitleTrefil Quarry, Tramroad East of Railway TerraceType Of SiteTRAMWAYCollections21Images0
NPRN300628TitleGwaun Nant Ddu BogType Of SiteNATURAL FEATURECollections10Images1
NPRN424532TitleLime Kiln, Odyn-FachType Of SiteLIME KILNCollections5Images0
NPRN243218TitleFurnace, Odyn-FachType Of SiteFURNACECollections19Images12