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NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN414958TitleLlancayo Solar FarmType Of SiteBUILDING COMPLEXCollections5Images3
NPRN33254TitleLlancayo Windmill, near UskType Of SiteWINDMILLCollections30Images19
NPRN45064TitleLlancayo House, Gwehelog Fawr; Llancaio HouseType Of SiteCOUNTRY HOUSECollections14Images5
NPRN405805TitleGwehelog Roman Temple;Llancayo FarmType Of SiteTEMPLECollections25Images10
NPRN409178TitleLlancayo Farm Roman Marching Camp, Gwehelog, UskType Of SiteMARCHING CAMPCollections30Images24