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Llancayo House, windmill and solar farm; and Gwehelog Roman Temple and marching camp on Llancayo Farm, near Usk. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 29th June 2015.Further Information
NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN414958TitleLlancayo Solar FarmType Of SiteBUILDING COMPLEXCollections5Images3
NPRN33254TitleLlancayo Windmill, near UskType Of SiteWINDMILLCollections30Images19
NPRN45064TitleLlancayo House, Gwehelog Fawr; Llancaio HouseType Of SiteCOUNTRY HOUSECollections14Images5
NPRN405805TitleGwehelog Roman Temple;Llancayo FarmType Of SiteTEMPLECollections25Images10
NPRN409178TitleLlancayo Farm Roman Marching Camp, Gwehelog, UskType Of SiteMARCHING CAMPCollections30Images24