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St Justinian's Chapel, St Justinian's bungalow, and St. David's old lifeboat station with the new station under construction. The floating mooring used by the crew whilst the station was being built is also visible. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 13th May 2015.Further Information
NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN34348TitleRNLI St Davids, St JustiniansType Of SiteLIFEBOAT STATIONCollections48Images31
NPRN423327TitleSt David's New Lifeboat StationType Of SiteLIFEBOAT STATIONCollections15Images11
NPRN94100TitleSt Justinian's Chapel, PorthstinianType Of SiteCHURCHCollections87Images30
NPRN30203TitleSt Justinian's BungalowType Of SiteHOUSECollections18Images10