DescriptionNAR SN78SE3
This is an orthostatic or earthfast kerb-ring. There are sixteen visible stones, four of which are 0.5-0.7m high and the remainder 0.3m or less. The circle has an internal diameter of 5.5m. The interior shows little trace of a cairn. A possible spoil heap identified some 50m to the south-west could be connected with an unrecorded excavation or clearance (NPRN 284069).
This is probably a Bronze Age funerary or ritual monument. Two apparently unstructured cairns are found about 100m to the north-east (NPRN 303685, 400936). These monuments occupy a level shelf on the eastern side of the upper Rheidol valley.
Source: Briggs in the Cardiganshire County History I (1994), 197 No.235
John Wiles 02.01.08