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Cromwell Road, Cromwell Road, Newport,

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Map ReferenceST38NW
Grid ReferenceST3288087520
Unitary (Local) AuthorityNewport
Old CountyMonmouthshire
Type Of SiteCHAPEL
PeriodPost Medieval
Cromwell Road Chapel is a typical brick-built early twentieth-century Wesleyan Methodist Chapel of its period in full gothic style. As usual with Wesleyan Methodist Chapels it is on a prominent corner site. It has twin gothic entrances at the gable end set in hooded porches created by a thickening of the lower wall, which has a chequerboard decoration of alternating Bath stone and red-brick squares. Above this is a graded group of three lancet windows with Bath-stone dressings set in the red-brick gable with single lancet windows flanking the doors on the outside and small lancets above the doors. The chapel side to the road has groups of three windows with shouldered arches over and clerestorey dormers in the roof to light the chapel interior. A plainer large Sunday School block has a large gable fronting the road next to the chapel and must be contemporary with it. This has three large windows towards the road and an area of Bath stone banding in the apex of the roof. The chapel interior is a large hall with chairs with a tub pulpit in the corner and a Communion table with altar rails at the front. Broad arches spring from columns sunk into the walls and a flat ceiling lies at tie-beam level over the centre of the building.

RCAHMW, August 2011