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Bryn Dethol Farm, Llangollen

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Map ReferenceSJ24SW
Grid ReferenceSJ2392041370
Unitary (Local) AuthorityDenbighshire
Old CountyDenbighshire
PeriodPost Medieval
Bryn Dethol, Llangollen, is a farmhouse with three distinct building phases. The first is a late medieval hall-house of c.1450, surviving features of which include the box-framed passage-end truss, together with a fine example of a rare arch-braced base cruck. The second phase dates from the second half of the 16th century, and introduced a passage fireplace and a lower-end parlour-wing. The 1727 datestone may date the final replacement in stone of the medieval timber-framing.

Source: DE/DOM/SJ24SW, from a report by Richard Suggett
J. Archer, RCAHMW, 21.10.2004

Site interpretation with sketch-plan and record photographs made in April 1999. (1999.04.15/RCAHMW/RFS)
Farm buildings = NPRN 31682. Site noted as an important derelict farmstead of medieval origin in Ancient Monuments Society Transactions 45 (2001), pp. 89-91. (2002.07.12/RCAHMW/RFS)