Dixton Mound, Monmouth

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Map ReferenceSO51SW
Grid ReferenceSO5179013710
Unitary (Local) AuthorityMonmouthshire
Old CountyMonmouthshire
Type Of SiteMOTTE
Dixton Mound is a sub-rectangular, or oval mound, c.30m by 40m and 2.0m high, ditched and counterscarped. An excavation in 1849 produced 11th/12th century material.
A ceramic assemblage from cattle-tread errosion on the counterscarp is thought to indicate late 11th-early 12th century occupation (Wilson & Clarke 1997); Roman material from the same context were mostly mid-late 2nd century, with a single late pre-Flavian sherd (Wilson & Sockett 1997; Wilson 2000).

Wilson & Clark, Archaeology in Wales 37 (1997), p.100.
Wilson & Sockett, Archaeology in Wales 37 (1997), p.74.
Wilson, Archaeology in Wales 40 (2000), p.96.
OS record card SO51SW14.
RCAHMW air photos 94-CS-0439; 945062/61.

J.Wiles 23.09.02