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St Deniniol's Church, Itton

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Map ReferenceST49NE
Grid ReferenceST4931095290
Unitary (Local) AuthorityMonmouthshire
Old CountyMonmouthshire
Type Of SiteCHURCH
PeriodPost Medieval
1. Built in the Gothic Decorated style, long-wall entry type. A prominent feature of this Church is the small integral tower. Present status [2002] : unknown
P.C.Tomlins, RCAHMW, 13.12.2002
2. Church consisting of a W tower, nave with S porch, and chancel with vestry. Fabric thought to be 13th c., extensively restored, l.19th c.
(source Os495card; ST49NE23)
Associated with:
Churchyard cross (Nprn307958).
The church is set within Itton Court grounds (Nprn266013).
J.Wiles 21.02.03