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Flying Boat Station, Pembroke Dock;Sunderland Flying Boat Base

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Archive6498007TitleDI2018_003_044 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of a black and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke - looking NW over ship building slip 11 to main seaplane launching ramp, taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6378775TitleDAT21_02 - Dyfed Archaeological Trust ReportsLevelItemDescriptionDigital report on 'Twentieth Century Military Sites: Airfields. A Threat-Related Assessment 2011-2012'. Compiled by DAT for Cadw. Report No: 2011/48. Project Record No: 102416.MediumCartographic, Photo, Graphic, Text.Imagesn
Archive6412680TitleDAT22_005 - Dyfed Archaeological Trust ReportsLevelItemDescriptionDigital interim report on Twentieth Century Military Sites: Airfields - Dispersed Sites and Defences: Threat Related Assessment 2012-2013. Produced by D.A.T. for Cadw: Report No. 2012/70; Project No. 103632.Medium1 file. Text, Graphic, Photo, Cartographic.Imagesn
Archive6497342TitleSS2018_003_05 - Negative CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke - seaward N end of building slips 12 (front) & 11 with intermediate piers lowered to accommodate seaplane wings looking SW. taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6497338TitleSS2018_003_01 - Negative CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke - looking NW over ship building slip 11 to main seaplane launching ramp, taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesn
Archive6389620TitleMAA_01_13 - Military Air Accident CollectionLevelItemDescriptionPhotocopy taken from a handbook of Airfields and Flying Boat Bases and Royal Naval Air Stations in the United Kingdom, Iceland and Gibraltar, undated.MediumCartographic, Text, Photo.Imagesn
Archive6091715Title106G_UK_1625_6350 - Royal Air Force Vertical Aerial Photography CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white vertical aerial photograph taken by the RAF on 07/07/1946 centred on SM96230421 at a scale of 1:10000. The photograph includes part of Pembroke Dock community in Pembrokeshire.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6498011TitleDI2018_003_048 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of a black and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke - seaward N end of building slips 12 (front) & 11 with intermediate piers lowered to accommodate seaplane wings looking SW. taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6498010TitleDI2018_003_047 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke - concrete surface of lowered and ramped pier looking NW over ship building slip 10 to pier beyond. taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6498009TitleDI2018_003_046 - RCAHMW Digitised RecordsLevelItemDescriptionDigital copy of a black and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke. Looking E over ship building slip 11 to smaller seaplane launching ramp with building slip 12 and pier beyond, E Martello Tower in distance., taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6159550Title2003_CS_1140 - RCAHMW Colour Oblique Aerial PhotographsLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW colour oblique aerial photograph of RAF Flying boat station, hangars, Pembroke Dock. Taken by Toby Driver on 13/06/2003MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6497340TitleSS2018_003_03 - Negative CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack and white negative showing Old Royal Dockyard Pembroke. Looking E over ship building slip 11 to smaller seaplane launching ramp with building slip 12 and pier beyond, E Martello Tower in distance., taken by RCAHMW.MediumPhoto.Imagesn