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Gellidywyll Mill; Pandy Isaf; Bont Pandy

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Map ReferenceSN89NE
Grid ReferenceSN8850899843
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPowys
Old CountyMontgomeryshire
PeriodPost Medieval
The building was first constructed as a fulling mill, and later converted to a corn mill. The earliest part, c1800, is the centre of the three-storey mill building on a north-south orientation, of roughly coursed stone under a pitched slate roof. It was extended to the north, over the waterwheel, and c1900 a mill house, orientated east-west, was built at the south end, with a short timber-framed and brick infill panel linking building.

The wide waterhweel was removed c1980, leaving a 200mm diameter axle which drove an uprlght shaft with a cast iron wallower and wooden spur wheel. There were two pairs of stones, one "French Burr" pair supplied by Kay and Hilton, Liverpool and dated 1855, and a worn pair of "Peak" stones. The upright shaft carried a crown wheel which drove a layshaft, providing power for the sack hoist and dressing machines.

Information from Cadw Listed Buildings database.
W J Crompton, RCAHMW, 13 August 2014.