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Hafod y Porth Copper Mine

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Map ReferenceSH65SW
Grid ReferenceSH6110050730
Unitary (Local) AuthorityGwynedd
Old CountyCaernarfonshire
Period19th Century
A large and complex copper mine operating from probably the early to the late C19th. As well as the central part of the site consisting of various adits, shafts, open cast and spoil tips there are various associated building remains. These consist of a powder house, mine managers house (this is described in a promotional plan dated 1873 as "Manager's Residence, Office, Smithy and Store Room"), a barracks, dressing buildings incuding ore bins, a smithy or drum house and an extensive retaining wall (possibly not completed). The whole site is approached from the south by a well engineered track, revetted in places and with stone slab bridges over two streams. All the buildings, although roofless, are in a very good state of preservation.

John Latham RCAHMW
(from Peter Muckle & Helen Riley 'Hafod y Porth & Craflwyn')