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Furnace, Wilden Wireworks, Govilon

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Map ReferenceSO21SE
Grid ReferenceSO2608013490
Unitary (Local) AuthorityMonmouthshire
Old CountyMonmouthshire
CommunityLlanfoist Fawr
PeriodPost Medieval
1. Remains of a former furnace, within the Wilden Wireworks site (nprn 91595), consisting of two low brick walls facing each other across a modern concrete apron, about 3m apart. There are regularly spaced openings in the walls and the brick shows evidence of heat damage. According to local information, in living memory the site was used as a limekiln and there was a substantial chimney adjacent.
Site visited B.A.Malaws, 23 September 1999.

2. Wilden Forge (nprn 91595) was built in the early C19 and is shown disused on the 1886 OS. The kiln is also shown on the OS. The kiln, of intermittent type, is mostly buried or destroyed, with only a single chamber exposed, and that re-used as a hen house.

A 4m square chamber with opposing brick walls, which are heat damaged and have evenly spaced vents. The enclosed floor is laid with modern concrete.
R Hayman, Hayman & Horton, 6/1/2004