DescriptionNAR ST09NE7
1. A group of five cairns on the Coedgae ridge near Tir-lan. They remain as described by RCAHM (1976) with NGRs as given by OS (1979). The concordance is as follows: RC i = OS C, ii/D, iii/E, iv/F and v/G.
DKL 1990
RCAHMW AP945104/44
2. The monument comprises three round barrows, part of the larger barrow cemetery of Tir Lan. The area covered by the original shcedule disignation did not relate accurately to the remains on the ground. In order to rationalise the schedule in regard to the two parts of the barrow cemetery, the part to the south-east (GM175) has been incorporated into the revised schedule designation of that to the north-west (GM270) as Tir Lan Round Barrow Cemetery.
Source: Cadw de-scheduling notice of 21.03.2006 F.Foster/RCAHMW 03.2006