A greatly mutilated motte and bailey, resting on steep rivurine scarps to the W, where the motte (?c.38m in diameter) appears to have been almost entirely robbed, leaving traces of its ditch and counterscarp, c.67-72m in diameter. The area of the bailey (c.70m square) to the NE is occupied by buildings belonging to Bryn Derwen (Nprn21348).
(source Os495card; SO19NE3)
RCAHMW AP945026/54-5; 955036/43-4
J.Wiles 29.08.02
application/pdfAWP - Archaeology Wales Project ArchivesElectronic report entitled: 'Archaeological Watching Brief for Plot 2, Brynderwen, Abermule Newtown', report number 1059.