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NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN92004TitleY Pigwn Roman Camps, Mynydd Bach TrecastellType Of SiteMARCHING CAMPCollections84Images54
NPRN304655TitleWaun Ddu Roman Camp and Motte; y Pigwn IIIType Of SiteFORTLETCollections16Images3
NPRN304930TitleRoman Road From Wroxeter to Trefeglwys: Forden Gaer to Trefeglwys SectionType Of SiteROADCollections13Images5
NPRN94012TitleForden Gaer Roman Settlement; Forden Gaer Roman FortType Of SiteSETTLEMENTCollections72Images54
NPRN90470TitlePigwn NW, YType Of SiteTRACKWAYCollections2Images0