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Great Llanmelin, Llanmelin Wood Hillfort and lesser enclosure, Cewre Quarry and Limekiln, Old Cwm Mill, Lower Cwm Mill and The Coombe Garden. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 21st April 2015Further Information
NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN276016TitleCewere Quarry and Limekiln, Llanvair-DiscoedType Of SiteQUARRYCollections6Images1
NPRN266048TitleThe Coombe, Garden, Llanvair DiscoedType Of SiteGARDENCollections2Images1
NPRN301559TitleLlanmelin Wood HillfortType Of SiteHILLFORTCollections73Images40
NPRN36983TitleGreat LlanmellinType Of SiteDWELLINGCollections2Images1
NPRN413750TitleOld Cwm MillType Of SiteCORN MILLCollections3Images2
NPRN307960TitleLlanmelin Wood, Lesser Enclosure;OutpostType Of SiteDEFENDED ENCLOSURECollections22Images9
NPRN40071TitleLower Cwm Mill; Lower Coombe MillType Of SiteCORN MILLCollections8Images3