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Derw country house and garden and Derw home farm including cowhouse, barn, sawmill, stable and cartshed. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 3rd June 2015.Further Information
NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN81797TitleDderw Home FarmType Of SiteFARMSTEADCollections22Images7
NPRN98152TitleDderw SawmillType Of SiteSAW MILLCollections8Images7
NPRN98151TitleDderw Home Farm Stable & CartshedType Of SiteCART SHEDCollections8Images7
NPRN86214TitleDderw Garden and Grounds, RhayaderType Of SiteCOUNTRY HOUSE GARDENCollections11Images8
NPRN81174TitleDderwType Of SiteCOUNTRY HOUSECollections22Images8
NPRN98149TitleDderw Home Farm BarnType Of SiteBARNCollections9Images7
NPRN22763TitleDderw Home Farm - CowhouseType Of SiteCOW SHEDCollections8Images7