Builth Wells including Park Road primary school; Alpha Calvinistic Methodist Chapel and St. Mary's parish church. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 11/6/2015.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN755TitleBuilth WellsType Of SiteTOWNArchives65Images39NPRN54613TitlePrimary School, Park Road, Builth WellsType Of SiteELEMENTARY SCHOOLArchives2Images1NPRN151275TitleSt Mary's Parish Church (Anglican), Builth WellsType Of SiteCHURCHArchives16Images5NPRN6093TitleAlpha Calvinistic Methodist Chapel, The Strand, Builth Wells; Alpha Presbyterian ChurchType Of SiteCHAPELArchives11Images6