The village of Rogiet and the town of Caldicot beyond, with the M48 motorway to the north and the M4 motorway, the Great Western Railway and the Severn Railway Tunnel to the south. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 29th June 2015.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN309440TitleCaldicotType Of SiteTOWNArchives30Images10NPRN43002TitleSevern Railway TunnelType Of SiteRAILWAY TUNNELArchives17Images1NPRN417517TitleM4 Motorway, M48 Motorway, South WalesType Of SiteMOTORWAYArchives29Images21NPRN423274TitleRogietType Of SiteVILLAGEArchives6Images3