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Lymore Hall and the associated park, farmhouse, and farm outbuildings with the town of Montgomery beyond. Oblique aerial photograph taken during the Royal Commission's programme of archaeological aerial reconnaissance by Toby Driver on 30th June 2015.Further Information
NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN43487TitleLymore Farm OutbuildingsType Of SiteOUTBUILDINGCollections1Images1
NPRN29550TitleLymore Hall, MontgomeryType Of SiteCollections77Images17
NPRN33187TitleMontgomery BoroughType Of SiteTOWNCollections91Images32
NPRN29549TitleLymore Farmhouse, MontgomeryType Of SiteFARMHOUSECollections1Images1
NPRN265592TitleLymore Park, MontgomeryType Of SitePARKCollections8Images4