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NPRNTitleType Of SiteCollectionsImages
NPRN405810TitleFron Lifting Bridge, Llangollen Canal;Ellesmere Canal;Shropshire Union CanalType Of SiteCANAL BRIDGECollections8Images5
NPRN406704TitleFroncysyllte Basin Culvert No. 96, Llangollen Canal;Ellesmere Canal;Shropshire Union CanalType Of SiteCULVERTCollections2Images1
NPRN406703TitleFron Footbridge, Llangollen Canal;Ellesmere Canal;Shropshire Union CanalType Of SiteFOOTBRIDGECollections2Images1
NPRN406708TitleFroncysyllte Basin, Llangollen Canal;Ellesmere Canal;Shropshire Union CanalType Of SiteCANAL BASINCollections3Images2