Aerial photography of Old Farm Skomer, Skomer Island and long house Aerial reconnaissance survey for the CHERISH Project. Crown Copyright: CHERISH PROJECT 2018. Produced with EU funds through the Ireland Wales Co-operation Programme 2014-2020. All material made freely available through the Open Government Licence.Download and purchase options
NPRNTitleType Of SiteArchivesImagesNPRN402711TitleSkomer IslandType Of SiteISLANDArchives169Images108NPRN423442TitleSkomer Island Farm, Old Range to North of Farm Buildings;Long House or LonghouseType Of SiteFARM BUILDINGArchives2Images1NPRN24369TitleSettlements and Field Systems, Skomer IslandType Of SiteFIELD SYSTEMArchives235Images124NPRN401141TitleOld Farm, Skomer IslandType Of SiteFARMArchives32Images29