Pentre English Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Wesley Place, Ystrad Road, Pentre

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6493679TitleIJ_01_01 - Islwyn Jones Chapels CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionFive sheets of hand-written notes by Islwyn Jones concerning chapels in the Rhondda Fawr area. Notes dated 5th August 1994.MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6493511TitleIJ_01_03 - Islwyn Jones Chapels CollectionLevelBatchDescriptionTwenty-six hand written pages of notes with key to photographs taken of various chapels in the Rhondda Fawr area.MediumText.ImagesnArchive Number6493714TitleIJ_01_07 - Islwyn Jones Chapels CollectionLevelItemDescriptionBlack/white large print, exterior front and side elevation of Pentre Methodist chapel, Wesley Place, Pentre. Dated 9th February 1995.MediumPhoto.Imagesn