Old Rectory

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Archive NumberTitleLevelDescriptionMediumImagesArchive Number6005863TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW drawing showing detail of the fireplace at Old Rectory, Llantwit Major.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6005862TitleDrawings CollectionLevelItemDescriptionRCAHMW drawing showing plan, section and detail of Old Rectory, Llantwit Major.MediumGraphic.ImagesnArchive Number6345012TitleGLI04_05_101 - Glamorgan Inventory: Medieval Secular Monuments, Non-defensiveLevelItemDescriptionFigure 101: The Old Rectory, Llantwit Major (MH 27), Plan, Section and Elevation.Medium1 file. Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6345013TitleGLI04_05_102 - Glamorgan Inventory: Medieval Secular Monuments, Non-defensiveLevelItemDescriptionFigure 102: The Old Rectory, Llantwit Major (MH 27), South Bay.Medium1 file. Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6336206TitleRCF08_091 - RCAHMW Field NotesLevelBatchDescriptionDrawing Book of sketch plans and drawings relating to various properties in Glamorgan. Noted as book No. 15.Medium1 file. Graphic.ImagesnArchive Number6336833TitleRCF08_363 - RCAHMW Field NotesLevelBatchDescriptionSketch plans and drawings relating to various properties in Glamorgan.Medium1 file. Graphic.Imagesn