Description1. WALLPAINTING
"painting of St Catherine"
'The curious painting of S. Catherine. [is]..very
mutilated' [Evans]. This might refer to the carved medieval tomb-slab. [AJP'75].
Refs: (Evans, 'Beauties of England & Wales' 17 [1812], 203.
Source: RCAHMW Wallpaintings database. 2004.09.08/RCAHMW/SLE
2. Church comprises late C14 continuous nave and chancel, A S transept of similar date, and a rebuilt C15 S porch. The roof has been modernized. The E window of the nave and chancel is early C15 and of local type having three cinquefoiled lights with tracery in a two-centred head.
(Source: Anglesey Inventory, 1937 [1960 reprint], p. 107)
J Hill 11/02/2004