Coedarhydyglyn (formerly Coedriglan), a neo-classical Regency villa (nprn 130), is situated in parkland, 2km south of the village of St George's (700207). Its gardens lie to the north, west and south of the house and fall into two distinct areas: those immediately around the house established in the 1820s; and those in the wooded valley to the south, developed in the Edwardian period. The latter is notable for its Japanese flavour, possibly designed by Alfred Parsons and partners, and for its exotic plantings.
Around the house is an area of lawns. A levelled lawn cut into the slope on the south side has ornamental plantings on the bank above it, a swimming pool and small pavilion, a raised walk occupied by a modern wooden rose pergola, and a modern sundial at the east end. On the west side of the house is a steep grassy slope down to the park boundary below. The north lawn is bounded by a yew hedge planted on a dry-stone revetment wall, beyond which is woodland. To the north-east is a modern hard tennis court on a levelled terrace, with a revetment wall on its west side.
The second garden area lies to the south-west where the ground drops into the small wooded valley with a water Japanese-style garden known as The Dell. A small stream runs northwards through it from springs rising in a boggy area at its south end. At the north end of the garden the stream is stone-lined and flows into a culvert. A gravel path leads down into the Dell from the south end of the lawn, crossing the stream on a single-arched stone bridge, below which the stream runs over a small cascade. Various branch paths traverse the valley sides with steps in places. Ornamental planting throughout is oriental in character and includes azaleas, copper beech, camelias and acers. Features in the Dell also include a row of widely spaced mature yew trees on the east side of the valley, a slatted arched bridge in Japanese style, a (re-sited) wooden Japanese tea-house, and a ‘bridge’ of large stones across the south end of the stream. The area is bounded by wooden fences, with some iron fencing surviving at the south end.