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Coed Du, Garden, Cilcain

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Map ReferenceSJ16NE
Grid ReferenceSJ1936466596
Unitary (Local) AuthorityFlintshire
Old CountyFlintshire
Type Of SiteGARDEN
PeriodPost Medieval
1. House, park, woodland and garden in an idyllic situation, with everything planned for maximum effect: contrived Picturesque landscape with distant borrowed views; good specimen trees in both park and garden notably Wellingtonia, Monterey pine and cut leaved beech. The drive from Rhydymwyn follows the river Alyn, then serpentines wildly so that the visitor is dizzied by the changing view; park palings edging the public road where this is visible from the house; Coed du wood rising steeply behind the house providing shelter and walks; between the wood and house a path with a handrail runs South at first floor level from the walled garden and past the kitchen court; truncated walled garden with grown out box hedges; ice house; apron in front of the house; bath-house of rustic stone with pointed doorway tuned in brick and arched windows; artificial pool nearby.
Model farm to the North is part of the contrived view.


2. This garden is depicted on the Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Flintshire XIII, sheet 2 (1899). Its main elements on that map include walk, parkland, kitchen garden, pinery, raised walk, icehouse, bath house, walled garden, picturesque, lodge, heated wall, carriage drive, box hedges and woodland with vista paths. C.H. Nicholas, RCAHMW, 16th August 2006.