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Map ReferenceSH96NW
Grid ReferenceSH9012067780
Unitary (Local) AuthorityConwy
Old CountyDenbighshire
CommunityLlanfair Talhaiarn
Type Of SiteHOUSE
PeriodPost Medieval
Melai was an important seat in the early medieval period and was the ancestral home of the Wynnes of Melai and Maenan Abbey; from this house descended the Wynnes of Garthewin and the Lords Newborough of Rug. Melai produced High Sheriffs for Denbighshire in 1577, 1586, 1614, 1637 and finally 1712; thereafter Melai appears to have been tenanted.

The range originated as a timber-framed building and 2 pairs of full cruck blades can be seen internally, imbedded within later rubble walling. It is possible that this is a late medieval building, although a 16th century date is more probable, and it is likely to have formed a subsidiary range of a unit planned house; as such it represents the earliest surviving structure at Melai. The encasing in rubble probably occurred in the 17th century and further alterations were carried out in the 19th, including the re-roofing (and removal of gable parapets) and an extension to the north-west. The building is currently a store.

Reference: Cadw listed buildings database.