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St Canna's Church, Llangan, Cropmark Enclosure Complex

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Map ReferenceSN11NE
Grid ReferenceSN1775018680
Unitary (Local) AuthorityCarmarthenshire
Old CountyPembrokeshire

Cropmarks of a ditched enclosure complex, focussing on an oval enclosure, 40m north-south by 32m, crowning a rise from where the ground falls away to the south-west, south & east, immediately to the south-east of Llangan churchyard; the central enclosure appears to be set within an oval outer circuit, or circuits, about 124m north-south by 92m, which themselves rest within the western part of a D-shaped circuit, some 200m north-south by 120m, resting on a nascent watercource to the east.
Complex features set across the northern area of the enclosure complex may relate to later settlement, or other activity concerned with St Canna's Church (Nprn114992), 'Chair' (Nprn304241) & well/spring (Nprn32465): it has been suggested that elements of an outer enclosure, related to the church, possibly a monastic territory or sanctuary area, are represented in current & historic field boundaries, delimiting an area in the region of 0.5km across (James 1992, 65-7 fig 8.5); within this area, to the north-west & west of the main cropmark complex, are three generally circular ditched features, possibly barrow ring-ditches:
at SN17641886 - 30m in diameter, set on the crest of knoll, or rise, having a north-east facing entrance gap;
at SN17621881 - subcircular, about 18m in diameter;
at SN17551869 - subcircular, generally 30m across, having a south-east facing entrance.

Source: James 1992 (in Edwards & Lane (eds.) 'the Early Church in Wales & the West'), 62-76.

J.Wiles 04.01.05