Park/gardens associated with currently derelict house (Nprn17453); portrayed on OS County series (1889).
RCAHMW AP955115/41-5
J.Wiles 05.03.04
This garden is depicted on both First (1889) and Second Edition Ordnance Survey 25-inch map of Carmarthenshire XXXIX, sheet 6 (1906). These show it to have had an rochard to the N, a large square kitchen garden, double-walled on the south-east and south, with massive greenhouse in the NW corner, double-walled on the South-east and South. In the woods to the S is a small cottage, perhaps a Dower house, or gardeners' cottage, with an orchard. The carriage drive came right through the front of the property on the W, and a semi-circular N-S terrace faces due W. All are set within considerable woodland with walks, passing via at least one footbridge by over streams.
Photos in NMR show sites of conservatory, parkland trees, original Regency gates and parkland iron railings.
C.S.Briggs 18.07.05