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St Andrew's Church, Clemenstone

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Map ReferenceSS97SW
Grid ReferenceSS9280073420
Unitary (Local) AuthorityThe Vale of Glamorgan
Old CountyGlamorgan
Type Of SiteCHURCH
1. Ruinous, walls standing but roof gone. Measures internally 24ft x 14ft 11ins. Stone cross beam nearby. ex NMR index card, not dated.
2. Roofless ruin of a mortared stone structure, c.9.5m ENE-WSW by 6.2, said to have been set in a rectangular, banked enclosure, 43m by 37m.
(source Os495card; SS97SW4)
Associated with:
Clemeston settlement (Nprn15447).
J.Wiles 14.01.03