Odyn Fach Enclosure

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Map ReferenceSN68NW
Grid ReferenceSN6466087690
Unitary (Local) AuthorityCeredigion
Old CountyCardiganshire
PeriodIron Age
Bivallate enclosure on low knoll above Leri valley. AP mapping from CUCAP BUB 48. Excavation reference: Murphy, K, 1989, Odyn-Fach Enclosure, Ceulanymaesmawr (SN 648 877) DAT PRN 7463, Archaeology in Wales 29, pp 43-44.

Cropmarks show bivallate enclosure occupying a low rounded hillock above the floor of the Leri basin. An inner oval enclosure 63m x 40m, is offset within a larger oval enclosure 128m x c70m, with a 3.5m wide ditch. The outer enclosure is partly bivallate on its E side but the cropmark is obscured by alluvium. Both enclosures share entrances aligned due E, on the least steep side of the hillock. A large `pit' c11m across, centrally placed within the inner enclosure, may be the site of a house platform, while smaller pits are visible in the outer enclosure. CUCAP BUB 48.

`The ditch was apparently dug in straight sections. Unlike the outer ditch which followed the contours, the inner lay on sloping ground to the east of the summit and was not concentric with the outer. This may indicate two periods of construction' A gas pipeline traversed the western side of the site in 1986, but did not affect the inner enclosure. Excavation by the Dyfed Archaeological Trust examined the outer ditch on the south-west, showing it to have been V-shaped, 4.5m wide and 1.5m deep. The only find was a fragment of iron slag in the lower levels of the ditch' (Hogg, CCH 1994, 264). Murphy, AW 26 (1986), 32.

T Driver. 29.04.2004