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Hen Gastell

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Archive6489458TitleGATP032_09 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionDigital photos produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium1.04GB. Photo.Imagesn
Archive6489156TitleGATP032_01 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionHard-copy records produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust in the course of archaeological work carried out at Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013. Comprising context sheets, context register, day records, radiocarbon certificates, photo record sheets, drawing sheet register, finds register, and sample register.MediumOne box. Graphic, Text, Photo.Imagesn
Archive6489453TitleGATP032_04 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionScanned copies of field drawings in pdf and JPG formats, produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium88.6MB. Graphic, Text.Imagesn
Archive6489455TitleGATP032_06 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionAdministrative records associated with the deposit of archive records, produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium55.8KB. Text.Imagesn
Archive6489454TitleGATP032_05 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionScanned copies of field registers, produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium54.8MB. Text, Graphic.Imagesn
Archive6489460TitleGATP032_11 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionSurvey data produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium1.63GB. Text, Graphic.Imagesn
Archive6489452TitleGATP032_03 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionMS Access databases, comprising photo table and finds data tables, produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium9.08MB. Text.Imagesn
Archive6352872TitleCPF_L_30_01 - Caernarvonshire Parish FilesLevelSub-groupDescriptionNotes, mss texts, site lists, plans and drawings, O.S. map extract, booklet, black and white photographs, and correspondence relating to sites in the parish of Llanwnda: Map reference 15NW and 15SE.Medium1 file. Photo, Cartographic, Graphic, Text.Imagesn
Archive6549879TitlePRD_02_2848 - Paul R. Davis CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital colour photograph showing Hen Gastell homestead, Llanwnda, taken by Paul Davis on 3rd December 2019.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6549902TitlePRD_02_2847 - Paul R. Davis CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital colour photograph showing Hen Gastell homestead, Llanwnda, taken by Paul Davis on 3rd December 2019.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6489456TitleGATP032_07 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionDigital photos of finds produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium126MB. Photo.Imagesn
Archive6489461TitleGATP032_12 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionReports produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium254MB. Text, Graphic.Imagesn
Archive6489459TitleGATP032_10 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionSpecialist data produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium146MB. Text.Imagesn
Archive6489157TitleGATP032_02 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionSite drawings produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013.MediumOne cotton bag. Graphic.Imagesn
Archive6489457TitleGATP032_08 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelSub-groupDescriptionGeophys data produced by Gwynedd Archaeological Trust, in the course of archaeological work carried out at the Hen Gastell, Llanwnda during 2013Medium3.32MB. Photo.Imagesn
Archive6352874TitleCPF_L_30_03 - Caernarvonshire Parish FilesLevelSub-groupDescriptionNotes, plans and drawings, O.S. map extracts, and newspaper cuttings relating to the parish of Llanwnda.Medium1 file. Cartographic, Graphic, Text.Imagesn
Archive6549920TitlePRD_02_2849 - Paul R. Davis CollectionLevelItemDescriptionDigital colour photograph showing Hen Gastell homestead, Llanwnda, taken by Paul Davis on 3rd December 2019.MediumPhoto.Imagesy
Archive6489155TitleGATP032 - Gwynedd Archaeological Trust Projects ArchiveLevelGroupDescriptionHen Gastell, Llanwnda excavation archive, comprising boxed paper records, rolled drawings and full digital archive.MediumOne box, one cotton bag of rolled draings and digital data. Graphic, Cartographic, Photo, Text.Imagesn