1. A rather curving L-plan bank, or rampart defines the north & west sides of an enclosure, about 28-30m across, resting elsewhere on steep natural scarps, towards the tip of a south-facing promontory above the Ystwyth valley; to the north a ditch seperates the rampart from an oval mound, some 30m east-west by 16m.
J.Wiles 29.01.02
2. A field visit to this site on 4th April 2003 examined the earthworks and could not reconcile them with those of an Iron Age fort. They appeared to represent a low motte or ringwork on the upslope side, separated by a very deep rock-cut ditch to the south, and then a further defensive bank or modified outcrop beyond. The earthworks appear to represent those of a medieval earthwork castle.
T Driver, RCAHMW. 5th May 2004.