Powis Castle Park, Leat

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Map ReferenceSJ20NW
Grid ReferenceSJ2169405911
Unitary (Local) AuthorityPowys
Old CountyMontgomeryshire
Type Of SiteLEAT
PeriodPost Medieval
A leat depicted on OS 1891 as running for c.1,900m from an un-named stream to a point short of the service buildings of Powis Castle, where it is at a level suitable for supplying the Dairy court complex (Nprn80517), possibly draing into Dairy Pool (Nprn80518).
Depicted on Os Landline between SJ21690590 and SJ21770616.
Associated with:
Powis Castle (Nprn29858)
Powis castle park/garden (Nprn265627)
Dairy Court (Nprn80517)
Dairy Pool (Nprn80518)
J.Wiles 07.11.02