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Cefn-Ffordd, Cairn VIII ;Pen-Rhiw Angharad, Cairn VIII

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Map ReferenceSS89NW
Grid ReferenceSS8005099120
Unitary (Local) AuthorityNeath Port Talbot
Old CountyGlamorgan
CommunityClyne and Melincourt
Type Of SiteCAIRN
One of a collection of eight cairns, out of a total of 15 noted since 1935, which together define an area, c.98m ENE-WSW by 60m, reportedly cleared of surface stone; centrally disturbed, 9.5m NE-SW by 7.0m and 0.3m high.
(source Os495card; SS89NW3)
Associated with:
Cairns I-VII (Nprn's307382, 307384-7, 307389-90).
J.Wiles 16.12.02