Old Beaupre Castle, Leat

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Map ReferenceST07SW
Grid ReferenceST0055072230
Unitary (Local) AuthorityThe Vale of Glamorgan
Old CountyGlamorgan
CommunityLlanfair (The Vale of Glamorgan)
Type Of SiteLEAT
PeriodPost Medieval, Medieval
An embanked channel, leading c.345m from the Thaw at Howe Mill Bridge, to feed a series of fishponds (Nprn307730) associated with the gardens of Old Beaupre Castle (Nprn19488; 266278).
The leat leads from the area of Howe Mill (Nprn96420), its relationship with the mill's water supply-works is uncertain.
APs show the leat extending c.172m SE& S from mapped extent.
RCAHMW AP955150/56-9; 955176/54-5
J.Wiles 19.02.04