DescriptionNAR SN66NW7
A well preserved Bronze Age barrow cemetery or cairnfield (derievd from prehistoric field clearance), c.80m N-S by 60m, set upon SW facing slopes, comprising some 26 cairns, from c.2.0-5.0m in diameter & up to 0.3m high.
A possible outlier is situated c.60m to the N (Nprn309829).
(sources: Briggs 1974; 1994, 129, fig 15, 199, No.253)
Briggs, C. S. 1994., The Bronze Age. In: Davies and Kirby, eds., 124-218.
Davies, J. L. and Kirby, D. P. eds., 1994. Cardiganshire County History. Volume 1, From the earliest times to the coming of the Normans. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.